FAQ for Wolt courier partners
Here is everything you need to know about delivering with Wolt in Finland. Click on a category to read our answers for the most common questions.

Being a Wolt courier partner
What does a courier partner do?
A Wolt courier Partner is a contractor/entrepreneur who delivers orders made on the Wolt platform. Wolt develops the courier application (Wolt Partner App iOS / Wolt Partner App Android) through which Courier Partners freely decide when they want to go online and make deliveries from merchant(s) to customer(s).
What are the Wolt courier partner's responsibilities?
Courier Partners will use their own equipment, including a vehicle of choice (car, bike, or scooter) and their own smartphone. Like all entrepreneurs, Courier Partners are in charge of their own: taxes, driving log, insurances, compulsory motor vehicle insurance (if they make deliveries with a car or a scooter), pension security, and financial security during periods of illness and unemployment. Courier Partners are also responsible for complying with local legislation, incl. all traffic regulations and they may not jeopardize the safety of other users of the platform incl. restaurant/retail/Wolt employees and customers. According to the service agreement the misuse or distribution of any personal information is strictly forbidden.
In which cities can I deliver with Wolt?
We’re doing our best to be the platform with the widest and best selection of restaurants and stores in every city in Finland! Apply to be a Courier Partner in your city here
Can Wolt courier partners make deliveries for competitors of Wolt?
Yes, definitely. As an independent entrepreneur, Courier Partners have total freedom to cooperate or engage in an employment relationship with other companies and to decide when and how long they would like to make deliveries with Wolt. Some Courier Partners have other sources of income besides making deliveries with Wolt. Some Courier Partners choose to dedicate more of their time to only making deliveries with Wolt. Those are all within Courier Partners’ right as an independent contractor. However, the quality of the service with Wolt should not be compromised because of the association with Courier Partners’ other source(s) of income.
Can I share my account with others as a Wolt courier partner?
Exposing customers’ data privacy is a serious breach of Service Agreement between Wolt and Courier Partners. It is also a break of trust that Customer has placed in our Services. The only case when it is acceptable for another person to share a Courier Partner’s Wolt account is when the Courier Partner has appointed a substitute to make deliveries on their behalf. Please read more about Substitution here.
What does delivering through Wolt offer that a traditional delivery job does not?
Delivering with Wolt is all about flexibility and freedom. Courier Partners are free to take all the breaks whenever they would like to. What this means in practice: Wolt Courier Partners do not have to inform Wolt if they don’t want to go online and they can stay online/offline as long as they want to.
How are tasks allocated to a courier partner?
Wolt’s algorithm offers delivery requests, ‘tasks’, equally to Courier Partners based only on your proximity to the pick-up location (i.e. restaurant or merchant), the vehicle type, and your current activity status (available for deliveries, busy with ongoing deliveries or offline). More information can be found from our public Transparency Report.
How many hours can a courier partner deliver on the platform?
The freedom (to choose when to go online) and flexibility are the highest-rated aspects of our partnership with Courier Partners, with a satisfaction score of 4.71 out of 5 (according to the CP satisfaction survey of September 2024). Wolt Courier Partners can choose when to make deliveries, how long they want to make deliveries for and when they want to take time off & stop making deliveries whenever they like.
Applying to deliver with Wolt
Submit your application
Get approved
Start delivering & earning money
How can I apply to become a Wolt courier partner?
You can submit an application via your phone through The Wolt Partner App for (iOS) and (Android) or via our website. Our main communication to you is through the email you have used for your Wolt account. Please, make sure you have access to the email address that you applied with so you can check your inbox and spam folders for updates from us.
What are the requirements to be a Wolt courier partner in Finland?
In order to become one of Wolt’s Courier Partners, we expect applicants to: 1) Have a adequate understanding of English, as it is the primary language of communication between the Operations Team and our Courier Partners. Courier Partners can also reach us in Finnish (we are working hard to have most of the material available in both languages). 2) Be at least 18 years of age. 3) Have valid permits to be employed as an entrepreneur in Finland, such as: - valid Finnish passport - valid EU/ETA-passport - valid EU Identification card (of an EU citizen) - valid Finnish residence permit. 4) Have a valid driving license (IF delivering with a car). 5) Have an EU bank account.
What are the stages of the application process?
Below is showed a simplified overview of Courier Partner Applications Process:
1. Application sent
Thank you! You will hear from us when there are new opportunities for cooperation. This might take some time, even multiple months.
2. Fill Contract Details
If we invite you to cooperate sign in to your Partner App and fill in the information and documents to contract.
3. Sign Service Agreement
We send you the service agreement. Read it carefully and then sign it.
4. Pick Up The Gear
Once you have completed Onboarding process, we will send you more details regarding gears.
5. Go Online!
Sign in to your Partner App and start delivering!
How long does the application process take?
It is difficult to give a specific time estimate when will your application will be invited to the next steps. Applications are processed according to the order in which we have received them. We process new applications based on the situation of customer demand in a specific city. If there is a need for more Courier Partners in a city, we will be in touch with the interested applicants.
What documents do I need to submit?
You need to submit valid permits which allow you to be employed as an entrepreneur in Finland, such as: - valid Finnish passport - valid EU/ETA-passport - valid EU Identification card (of an EU citizen) - valid Finnish residence permit. You will also need a valid driving license if you will be delivering with a car or a motorcycle.
How and where do I hand in my documents?
Once you have been invited to the next steps, you can log in to Wolt Partner App and upload your documents there. For security reasons, please don't email your personal documents to us.
Is it possible to do deliveries in multiple cities as a Wolt courier partner?
An active Courier Partner can only be online in one city. If you are already partnering with Wolt and you want to express your interest in changing your delivery city, kindly fill out this form. After you have done that, we will be in touch as soon as there is a vacancy in that city. Please, note that it may take several months. Be careful to fill in the form carefully and correctly (e.g. make sure you indicate the same email address as the one you use for your Wolt account). If the form has not been filled correctly, we cannot process the request. You can also only request one transfer at a time.
Is it possible to do deliveries in multiple countries as a Wolt courier partner?
Unfortunately transferring between Wolt countries is not possible (at least not yet, at this moment). Each country has its own legal requirements and thus, each country has its own onboarding processes. This means that you would need to apply to Finland separately and start the application process from the beginning, even if you are already a Courier Partner in a different country. Your application will be processed as any other new application. Kindly contact your current country’s team and ask them to end the cooperation and offboard your account. Then you can apply to Finland using the same contact details (email address and phone number). You will not be able to apply with the same email address you are using unless your account is offboarded first.
When can I start delivering?
Once you have been invited and gone through all the steps in the Onboarding Process, you can be able to go online and start making deliveries whenever you would like to.
Why didn't my intro session invitation arrive yet?
Kindly wait patiently. We will contact you directly as soon as there is a demand for Courier Partners in your area. If you would like to make a change to your application, such as the vehicle or delivery city, feel free to reach out to us at Wolt Partner app and we will make the change for you.
Earnings and payments
How much can I earn as a Wolt courier partner?
Courier Partners have full freedom to choose how and when to deliver with Wolt. This also means that Wolt cannot guarantee a specific amount of delivery tasks, but you can see the status of your city in your app before you go online. If the app is "normal" or "busy" you will have a good chance of being offered orders to deliver. The invoiced amount (how much a Courier Partner earns) depends on how many deliveries you complete during a payment period.
How do I handle my taxes?
Kindly note, that we do not give tax advice. For tax related matters, kindly contact Finnish Tax Office. When figuring things out with Finnish Tax Authorities, you’ll get the right advice when you tell them you’re a Wolt Courier Partner who is an entrepreneur. If you’re visiting the tax office, please take your service agreement with Wolt with you. You can get help regarding income taxation provided by the tax authorities by calling 029 497 002 or choosing one of the other contact channels listed on this website.
How can I increase my earnings?
There are typically two “peaks” in a day, when there are most orders available. These would be the lunch peak (around 10:00 to 12:00) and dinner peak (around 16:30 to 19:00). By coming online during these peak hours, you maximize your potential earnings, as there would be most tasks available during these times. It’s a good idea to come online early enough in time for the peaks to maximize the potential. For example, going online a bit before 10:00 helps you maximize your earnings during the lunch peak. It's also a good idea to keep close to "hot spots" (usually in the center of the city, where most of the venues are located) to maximize the potential of receiving tasks.
When do I get paid?
Wolt pays you the invoiced VAT-inclusive fees twice per month and emails you a proof of payment. It is up to you to settle your tax and social insurance contributions. The payment periods are: - From the 1st to the 15th - From the 16th to the end of the month
How can I see how much I’ve earned?
Courier Partners can at all times view their accumulated earnings in the Courier Partner app. Courier Partners can see the earning statistics from Wolt Partner App. Open Wolt Partner App → Menu → Stats or Finances.
Which payment method does Wolt use?
Wolt does not transfer earnings directly to Courier Partner’s bank account. Courier Partners need to invoice the earnings to Wolt, by one of the two following methods:
Invoicing service = external service provider that enables Courier Partners to invoice Wolt without a company ID. The most used invoicing services are kevytyrittäjä, Truster and UKKO, which offer automated invoicing. Other invoicing services such as Kassavertainen, EEZY, Palkkaonline, BISSE etc.. currently require Courier Partners to create and send invoices to Wolt themselves.
Own company invoicing = Courier Partners that use their own company (trade name, OY, KY, AY) to invoice Wolt. Courier Partner’s company must be fully registered for VAT and Tax prepayment.
How can I change my payment details (e.g. bank account)?
Contact our payment team through Wolt partner app - this is the fastest way to get your payment related issues resolved!
Vehicle and gear
Which type of gear will I need to deliver with Wolt?
It is completely your choice what kind of gear you are using. You can borrow the gear from us against deposit or use other gear, including gear from a competitor of Wolt. The thermal bag (with a separate cold container) that you will need to do deliveries, must fulfill any applicable food safety requirements and safeguard food safety.
What types of delivery vehicles can I use?
Wolt Courier Partners can make deliveries with, for example: a car, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle...etc. During the partnership you can change the delivery vehicle. As long as you have all the required licenses to operate the vehicle of choice and have an appropriate delivery gear for that vehicle.
Where can I get the gear I need for deliveries?
You can either pick up the gears from our central warehouse in Helsinki, or we will send the gears to your home. Once you have completed Onboarding process, we will send you more details information regarding gears.
Do I have to use gear from Wolt?
You don’t necessarily have to use Wolt gear. But you do have to have gear that is safe for delivery and fulfills any applicable food safety requirements and safeguards food safety.
Do I have to pay for my gear?
When you have received your gear and we put your account online, we will deduct a deposit of 75€ from your gross earnings. The deposit is deducted only once. Even if you change your gear or get new pieces of gear in the future, the deposit will not be deducted again. If you decide to stop delivering and return the gear, we will return the 75€ to your gross earnings once you have returned the gear.
Can I change my delivery vehicle?
Yes, you can switch between vehicles as long as you have informed us, have valid license to operate such vehicle and proper gears to make deliveries with it. It is crucial that you'd let Support know every time you switch between vehicles. The vehicle type in Courier profile has to always match the vehicle that is currently being used.
What do I do if the gear is lost or broken?
If you have problems with your gear, kindly contact our Support and explain to them the situation. What would happen is that if we have a warehouse in your area, Support will give you the address of the warehouse where you can go to return the broken gear or/and get new gear. In cases we don’t have a warehouse in your area, the Support will send gear to you through Posti free of charge. There is no additional deposit for getting extra gear or replacing broken/lost ones.
How do I return the gear to Wolt?
If you want to return the gear due to ending our partnership, please read “I want to end my partnership with Wolt” for full guidlines. If we do not have a warehouse in your area, you can return the gear to us free of charge through Posti. Here’s how: Pack the gear along with a piece of paper with your name, phone number, and email address used in your Wolt account. Go to a Posti return point. You can find the closest location to you from this link. There, you will need to tell them the following information: Return number: 672183 Address: Niemi Helsinki, Hankasuontie 13, 00390 Helsinki They will print a label and return the package free of charge for you. Once the package is received, we will return the gear deposit, if applicable.
I got a parking ticket while delivering, will Wolt pay?
As an independent contractor, if Courier Partners receive fines or parking tickets while delivering, it is Courier Partner’s own responsibility to cover the costs. Please note that being a Courier Partner does not exempt anyone from following traffic rules. When delivering with a bike, we recommend that you are extra careful. Please, avoid checking your phone while biking, and avoid riding in areas that are restricted to pedestrians only. For cars and motorcycles, always follow the speed limits for your vehicle and remember to park legally during pick-ups and drop-offs even if you are just leaving your vehicle for a few minutes. Please always remember: there is no delivery that is more important than your own and others’ safety.
Health, safety and insurances
What can I do if I get sick?
Courier Partners are free to choose when they feel up to making deliveries. Wolt does not provide compensation for sick leave or health services on days when Courier Partners are not able to make deliveries. Wolt does provide accident insurance for Courier Partners for incidents that occur when they are making deliveries with Wolt.
Falling ill and occupational health care
Everyone who has a municipality of residence in Finland is entitled to use public healthcare services. As an entrepreneur, Courier Partners are encouraged to consider arranging occupational health care coverage for themselves. Public medical centers and private hospitals can help Courier Partners with matters regarding occupational health care. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) pays reimbursement for a part of the cost of occupational health care expenses for YEL-insured entrepreneurs, up to a maximum reimbursement amount that is set each year. YEL insurance will cover Courier Partners in case they fall ill as their insurance contributions also raise the number of daily allowances (sickness allowance) paid for the length of their sick leave.
How am I insured while delivering with Wolt?
All of Wolt's Courier Partners in Finland have access to "Accident injury insurance" and "Third party liability insurance" free of charge provided by Onsi Benefits. More information about Onsi Benefits insurance and how to submit a claim can be found from here. If you have any questions about Onsi Benefits' insurance plan or about a claim that you have submitted, please contact Onsi Benefits' customer service at wolt@onsi.com.
What can I do if I want to take a break from Wolt?
Delivering with Wolt is all about flexibility and freedom. Courier Partners are free to take all the breaks whenever they would like to. What this means in practice: Wolt Courier Partners do not have to inform Wolt if they don’t want to go online.
What can I do if I have an accident?
Make sure you and any other people involved are alright. Call 112 if there is a need for an ambulance or police. The safety and well-being of you and anyone else involved is the most important. Once you are sure that you and anyone else involved is alright, contact our Support and they will help you figure out the best solution.
Third-party liability (TPL) insurance
This insurance provides coverage for: - Accidental damages a courier partner causes to property that belongs to a third party while making deliveries and/or acts in the interest of Wolt - Accidental bodily injury a courier partner causes to a third party while making deliveries and/or acts in the interest of Wolt.
How do I file a claim for Third-party liability insurance?
You can make a Third-party Liability insurance claim directly through the Partner app on your phone, or visit this link with a web browser.
Do I need to have my own personal insurance aside to the insurance offered by Wolt?
We strongly recommend that you have your own insurance aside from the accident insurance that Wolt provides you when delivering. If you are delivering by car or motorcycle, you are required by law to have liability insurance for your vehicle. This will cover you in case you ended up in an accident while driving. You can check out the terms of Wolt’s insurance (provided by Onsi) here and decide which additional coverage you might need (you need to log in with your Wolt account credentials).
Wolt Partner App
How do I log in to the Wolt Partner App?
Courier Partners can log in to Wolt Partner App with the code that’s sent to their phone number. If for some reason you did not receive the code, we kindly advise you to make sure to log in with the same phone number that you have registered for your Wolt account. For example, if you have registered your Wolt account with phone number “A”, and now you are trying to log in with phone number “B” - you will not receive the code to phone number “B” because it has not been registered with your account.
How can I change my name in Wolt Partner App?
If a Courier Partner would like to change details in their profile such as name, phone number or email, the most efficient channel to assist in this matter is our Support team.
How can I change my email address in Wolt Partner App?
If a Courier Partner would like to change details in their profile such as name, phone number or email, the most efficient channel to assist in this matter is our Support team.
How can I change my phone number in Wolt Partner App?
If a Courier Partner would like to change details in their profile such as name, phone number or email, the most efficient channel to assist in this matter is our Support team.
How can I change my PIN code in Wolt Partner App?
We kindly advise you to make sure to log in with the same phone number that you have registered for your Wolt account.
What is a pick-up task?
A pick-up task is the task a Courier Partner is picking up food/orders from a given venue. Simply put, it refers to Courier Partners moving from where they originally were (A) to the Venue (B) to pick up the order. The pickup task is shown as a “pick-up notification” in the Partner App. Courier Partners can accept a pick-up task by pressing the [I am on it] button.
What is pick-up information?
Pickup information contains everything Courier Partners need to know about the venue and the task they are picking up. Courier Partners can see Pick-up Information in the Partner App when accepting a pick-up task, it contains important details such as: - Notes from the restaurant, for example: “Please wait outside until the order is marked ready.” - Checklist of the contents of the current order, for example: “2 burgers, 1 milkshake, 1 coca-cola zero.” - The address of the restaurant.
What is a drop-off task?
A dropoff task is the task of a Courier Partner delivering food/orders from a given venue to a given customer location.
What is drop-off information?
Drop-off information contains everything Courier Partners need to know about the location they are delivering the order to. Courier Partners can see this in the Partner App when accepting a dropoff task. The drop-off information usually contains: - Notes from the customer, for example: “My doorbell phone is broken. Please call me when you get here.” - Notes regarding the contents of the current order, for example: “2 burgers, 1 milkshake, 1 coca-cola zero.” - The address of the customer.
What are the task modes and how many task modes are available?
Before, 12.06.2023, there were two task modes in the ‘’Settings’’ section of the Partner App.
Single task mode: This means one task at a time
Bundle task mode: This means the possibility of multiple tasks at a time (note: Not all tasks will be bundled and you may still receive a single task in this mode)
However, on 12.06.2023, single delivery mode was removed and the ONLY available mode is now Bundled Task mode.
This is because the "Bundled Delivery" mode provides better opportunities for the courier partners to enhance their earnings.
“Bundled Delivery” mode is now by default and the app will not ask you to pick a mode (make sure you are using the updated version of the Partner App).
In “Bundled Delivery” mode, courier partners can still reject a task(s) that they don’t want to perform, simply with a push of a button.
Courier Partners can schedule when they want to go offline in Bundled Mode.
What is Upfront Pricing?
It is a feature in the app that enables the Courier Partners to see the fee of the task before accepting the task. By showing the task fee upfront, Courier Partners have full visibility and can transparently decide whether they want to accept or reject the task.
Why did my task disappear from the app?
When a Courier Partner receives a task, it means that you are currently the most optimal Courier Partner available for that specific task, at that specific moment in time. If you do not accept the task, which is completely okay, you might experience that the task will disappear and another Courier Partner might have become more optimal for delivering that specific task. If you do not accept a task in 60 seconds, it will automatically disappear from your Partner app and will not be offered to you anymore.
How do I see total kilometers driven from the app?
Kindly note, the kilometers data from Wolt Partner App is not accurate enough for tax exemption purposes, as it has not been made for these purposes and is also affected, for example, by the accuracy of your GPS. We find it important to note that even though we would like to help Courier Partners with the logbook, Wolt is not legally allowed to track and share kilometers with our partners, even from earlier years. Thus, it is very important that Courier Partners maintain their own logbooks. It is important to keep track of all the driven kilometers while making deliveries with Wolt through a log book to be eligible for the compensation. You can use any of the following as a logbook: Paper journal OR Excel sheet OR Apps; e.g. Abax , Laskupiste , Mapon (please note that there might be a subscription fee for electronic logbooks which may also be tax deductible as a cost for doing business. To learn whether this is the case, kindly contact Vero for tax advice.) More questions about Logbook: we strongly recommend Courier Partners contact your invoicing service for professional advice. For those who invoice Wolt through your company, kindly contact your bookkeeper/accountant. Also check with the Vero Office for further information.
Delivering on the platform
What can I do if an order from a venue is late?
If the venue is late to give the orders, we advise Courier Partners to contact our Support. Kindly give the order number and as many relevant details as possible.
What can I do if I can’t find the customer?
If Courier Partners experience any problems with finding the customer, kindly make sure you are at the correct address, and try to call the customer first. Also you can always reach out to the customer through ''Person to person'' chat function, which will help you to reach customer even faster!
What can I do if I can’t reach the customer?
If the customer doesn't answer, Courier Partners are advised to contact Wolt Support through the chat function in Wolt Partner App. Support team will try to help you and contact the customer through the app.
What can I do if there is a large order delivery?
- Restaurant & Grocery orders: A large order fee is automatically added to a Courier Partner when the order’s value is over 100€. - Retail orders (tasks that come from non-restaurant venues such as flower shops, pharmacies…etc): The automatic extra fee does not apply to retail orders at the moment, because Retail orders can often be high-value but not large or heavy. For example, a smart-phone would likely be worth more than 100€, but it is not particularly difficult or heavy to carry, especially compared to a restaurant order of equal value. If you noticed that the order you are picking up is too heavy/large for you to deliver alone, please contact our Support. They can split the order so that another Courier Partner can come and pick up the rest of that order.
What can I do if an order is damaged?
If there is any damage to the order (even if there is the tiniest leak in the coffee cup), we advise Courier Partners to contact Wolt Support with a picture of the damage and as much details as possible, so we can together assess the situation and ensure a great customer service experience.
What can I do if I have spilled/damaged food during a delivery?
The best way to deal with unexpected situations during deliveries is to contact Support as soon as you can. Open communication is key to make sure everyone is on the same page, so in order for our Support team to assist you better
How and when do I mark the task as “completed”?
Recommended approach: - Mark the pickup task “completed” after the food is in your bag, if possible in real time since one of the most crucial aspects about Wolt Service is to keep the customer experience as smooth and reliable as possible. The customers can be able to trust that the information they see in their app is accurate: - Mark the drop-off task as “completed” after the order has already been delivered to the customer.
How can I report that I will be late to the restaurant due to traffic/parking or other issues?
There is no direct way of reporting lateness to the venue. This information will have to go through Support team and then they will inform the venue on the late pick up. When this happens, the customer will also get an updated drop off time in the Wolt app.
What can I do if I want to change my delivery area as an active courier partner?
Kindly fill out this form to express your interest in changing the city. Make sure to fill in the form carefully and correctly (e.g. make sure you indicate the same email address as the one you use for your Wolt account). You can only request one transfer at a time.
What can I do if I want to transfer to another country where Wolt operates?
Unfortunately transferring between Wolt countries is not possible (at least not yet, at this moment). Each country has its own legal requirements and thus, each country has its own onboarding processes. This means that you would need to apply to Finland separately and start the application process from the beginning, even if you are already a Courier Partner in a different country. Your application will be processed as any other new application. Kindly contact your current country’s team and ask them to end the cooperation and offboard your account. Then you can apply to Finland using the same contact details (email address and phone number). You will not be able to apply with the same email address you are using unless your account is offboarded first. Please keep in mind that different Wolt countries might have different requirements.
How long can I wait after I have submitted a city transfer request?
After you have filled in the transfer request form, we will be in touch as soon as there is a vacancy in that city. Please, note that it may take several months.
Ending the Partnership
How do I end my partnership with Wolt?
We really appreciate your cooperation with us and we’re sad to see you go. We wish you all the best for your future! The process to end the cooperation is as follows: - First, reach out us through Wolt Partner app to let us know that you wish to end your cooperation with Wolt. - Then, our team will give you the guidelines on how to return your gear based on your area. (Typically, if we have a warehouse in your area, we will give you the address to the warehouse that you can return the gear to. In other cases, we will ask you to return the gear through Posti free of charge). - After that, send a message through Wolt Partner app to confirm you have returned the gear. We will then return the gear deposit if that was withheld when you started your cooperation. You will receive the deposit on the next payout date. Please note that simply returning your gear or not going online does not automatically end the cooperation. If you wish to end the cooperation, you need to contact through Wolt Partner app to let us know and confirm your decision.
Getting in touch with Wolt Support
When can I contact the Wolt Support team?
If you need help with your active deliveries, chat with our Support team in Wolt Partner App and get answers within seconds Wolt Support is available in both Finnish and English languages. Please try to provide as much information as you can - for example: situations where the issue happens, time and date, orders number, screenshots…etc.
How do I contact the Support team?
Our Support is there to assist your deliveries through the chat by opening Partner App → Menu → Support (in cases that do not require immediate assistance such as changing contact details, sending new gear...).
How do I contact the Operations team?
Application to become a Courier Partner We are more than happy to help you with anything related to your application to be a Wolt Courier Partner, please contact us through Wolt Partner app.
General inquiries For anything related to your active partnership with Wolt, please contact us through Wolt Partner app
Payments Contact us through Wolt Partner app is the fastest way to get your payment-related issues resolved.
Invoicing details Always contact us through Wolt Partner app
The average response time is roughly 5-8 business days.
Opening Hours
Different cities that operate in Finland might have different opening hours. Kindly contact our Support for more information.