Wolt Ads for Merchants

More engagement. More customers. More sales. It all ads up.

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What are Wolt Ads for Merchants?

Wolt Ads Sponsored Venues help you stand out to the millions of Wolt customers ready to buy from your venue, by placing it at the top of the app rankings automatically.

Wolt Ads for Merchants Sponsored Listings

Wolt Ads grows your business.

Get more visits

96% of the venues that used Wolt Ads increased their venue visits up to 4 times during their campaign period.

Gain new customers

76% of the merchants that advertised through Wolt Ads increased the visits of new users up to 4 times.

Increase your sales

70% of our partners have seen a significant uplift in Sales vs their organic sales

Wolt in app ads

Sponsored venue placements

  • Sponsored Venues in Search

    Your venue might appear in top search results positions for keywords related to your products.

  • Ads in the Discovery page

    Your venue might also appear on the Discovery page for users who are likely to purchase from you.

  • Wolt Ads Sponsored Listings in Restaurant and Stores Tabs

    Privileged positions in rankings

    Your venue might appear highly ranked on the Restaurants or the Stores tabs, for users that are relevant to your brand.

Get budget recommendations

Define how much you'd like to invest in your listing. We'll make this decision easy for you with budget recommendations based on your venue's performance and your category.

Track performance with insightful reports

You will have access to daily performance insights to make investment decisions – giving you a strong return on your investment.

Wolt Ads performance reports
Wolt Ads for Merchants: Self-Service campaigns

Create a Sponsored Listing for your venue in minutes

Watch this short tutorial to learn how you can set up your own Wolt Ads Sponsored Listing campaign in the Merchant Portal and get noticed by more customers now.

Want to know more?

Leave your details here and one of our representatives will get in touch shortly.

Frequently asked questions